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Tuesday, December 9, 2014


What are probiotics?
Probiotics are live micro-organisms (mainly bacteria but also yeasts) which are thought provide numerous health benefits. In order to provide these health benefits, probiotics need to be able to survive the acidic environment of the stomach. They also need to be eaten in adequate quantities.

What are the proven health benefits of probiotics?
There is a good deal of scientific evidence suggesting that probiotics are effective for gastrointestinal problems including1:
Diarrhea: specifically antibiotic associated diarrhea including episodes caused by infection with C. difficile (also known as C. Diff Diarrhea) and

Research also suggests that probiotics can inhibit tumors, improve immune function and reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Are all probiotics the same in terms of their health benefits?
No, the health benefits are specific to the genus (clan e.g. Lactobacillus), species (family name e.g. acidophilus) and strain (first name e.g. DDS-1). Different strains can have different effects. Therefore if you want to try a probiotic for a specific complaint be sure to select the specific strain that has been proven to help your particular condition.

How can I add probiotics to my diet?
You can add probiotics to your diet either by eating probiotic foods (including beverages) or by taking probiotic supplements. Generally speaking, probiotic supplements usually contain higher numbers of probiotic organisms than probiotic foods. However probiotic foods do have an advantage over probiotic supplements. Many such as probiotic yogurt, milk kefir and vegetable ferments (e.g. fermented cabbage, also known as sauerkraut) are rich in nutrients and/or fiber. Be aware too that many of the processed probiotic foods (e.g. cereals, granola, ice-cream) that have recently appeared on our grocery-store shelves are often high in sugar and additives.

When is the best time to take probiotics?
When you eat a meal, the pH of the stomach rises. The higher the pH, the more likely it is that the probiotic organisms will survive their journey through the stomach. It therefore makes sense to take a probiotic around half an hour after eating.

Where can I purchase probiotics?
You can purchase probiotic foods from grocery and health food stores. As far as probiotic supplements are concerned, these can be purchased from on-line retailers and over-the-counter from pharmacies.
What side-effects should I expect when starting probiotics?
You may experience symptoms of bloating, flatulence (gas), abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea in the first few days of probiotic therapy. These symptoms occur as your digestive system rebalances in favor of the good bacteria. The symptoms should subside after a few days. However, if they persist, then you can always reduce your dosage and ramp back up slowly.

 Are probiotics safe for children?
Yes, both probiotic foods and supplements are safe for children. There is a wide range of probiotic supplements which are suitable for children. . These are available in a variety of forms including chewable tablets, capsules and powder. Probiotics are also suitable for infants. Once weaned, probiotic foods can be introduced into a baby’s diet. Certain probiotic supplements are also appropriate for infants. Have a look at our page on baby probiotics for more information in this regard.

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