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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Natural Home Remedies to Remove Unwanted Hair from Upper Lip

Natural home remedies for removing unwanted upper lip hairNatural home remedies for removing unwanted upper lip hair
Nowadays every woman wants to look beautiful and attractive. They almost do each and everything they come to know to look beautiful. They use so many cosmetics and visit parlor for many purposes like facial, waxing and other beauty treatments. Sometimes it is always not possible to go parlor for small beauty treatments like for upper hair lips.
Upper lips hair does not look if you have to attend some party or event in social gathering that may make you feel embarrass. You look not as much of beautiful with hair growth on upper lips. So to get a quick rid from upper lips hair at home with 100% natural ways, here next we are going to discuss 10 natural home remedies to remove hair from upper lips.

Home remedies to remove unwanted upper lip hair permanently

1. Blend of Turmeric and Water

Turmeric powder is very useful and effective well known agent to reduce hair growth. Make a thick paste of turmeric powder by adding water (1 table spoon is enough for upper lips hair). Apply this paste for half an hour and remove it gently.
Turmeric and WaterTurmeric and Water

2. Blend of Turmeric and Milk

The one of the best ways to get rid from unwanted rid from upper lips to make a mixture of turmeric powder and milk. Take half cup of milk and little amount of turmeric powder make a thin paste from it. Apply on upper lips for some time and remove it after getting dry with water.
Turmeric and MilkTurmeric and Milk

3. Blend of Lemon, water and Sugar

Take two lemon’s juice and add water and sugar accordingly make a thin paste and apply it for few couple of minutes and wash with water.
Lemon, water and SugarLemon, water and Sugar

4. Blend of Egg white with Flour and Sugar

Egg is also one of the effective home remedies to remove hairs from upper lips. Make a gluey paste by mixing egg white, one table flour spoon and sugar. Apply this paste for 30 minutes and you can repeat twice a day for better results.

Egg white with Flour and Sugar
5. Blend of flour, Turmeric and Milk
You can also make a effective thick paste to remove hairs from uppers by mixing four, pinch of turmeric powder and milk accordingly. After applying it for half an hour remove it by gently rubbing.
Flour, Turmeric and MilkFlour, Turmeric and Milk

6. Blend of Sugar and Lemon

Take a pan with some about of sugar and heat it for few minutes and add fresh lemon juice to make thick paste. Apply the paste by using cotton cloth. Rub the cloth on upper lips before wash it with water after 15-20 minutes.
Sugar and LemonSugar and Lemon

7. Blend of Yogurt, Gram flour and Turmeric

Make a thick paste by adding Yogurt, Gram flour and Turmeric in a bowl. Apply this paste, rub gently and rinse with water until it gets dry.
Yogurt, Gram flour and TurmericYogurt, Gram flour and Turmeric

8. Blend of Lime Juice and Honey

Take one table spoon of honey and two table spoon of lime juice and make paste from it. Apply it and this will make hair less noticeable.
Lime Juice and HoneyLime Juice and Honey

9. Blend of Besan, Turmeric and Milk

Make a thick paste by mixing Besan, Turmeric and milk. Apply this paste and rub against the direction of hair growth.
Besan, Turmeric and MilkBesan, Turmeric and Milk

10. Lemon Juice

Apply Lemon juice and rinse with warm water. It is one of the natural bleaching agents. Don’t go in sunlight after applying lemon juice on upper lips.
Lemon Juice
Lemon Juice

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